Magazine Français מגזין עברית


Hello from Chabad

Welcome to our newly designed and totally revamped website. With so many new happenings here at Chabad of Central Africa, such as the newly established Yeshivat Ohel Moshe - Chabad, our expanded Rabbinical Peace Corps and Roving Rabbis programs visiting up to 14 other countries in Central Africa throughout the year, and so much more, we felt the need to renew our site and make it more user friendly and enjoyable for our visitors and readers.

Most importantly, we wanted to give you the opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns and comment on our Blog page.

The site is not yet complete as we are updating individual pages one by one.

Please visit our site, browse through our recent albums, read our new articles and provide us with your thoughts and comments.

Please also subscribe to receive our monthly e-newsletters and to be put on our list to receive new publications such as the upcoming New Year calendar for 5773 and Holiday guides.

You can also join our Facebook page and get immediate updates.

Visit often and please stay in touch. We’d love to hear form you


Looking for older posts? See the sidebar for the Archive.
Chabad-Lubavitch of Central Africa Kinshasa243-848-406-000

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